A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life - William Law - Library of Christian Classics. Volume 7
William Law (1686-1761) is one of the great theologians that Spanish-speaking evangelicals in the 21st century practically ignore. Although he died over 250 years ago, William Law's works continue to be published in a multitude of languages and are helpful to the Church in today's troubled times.
This book addresses Christians, and as the title itself indicates, "A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life" is a call to live with sincerity and consistency according to the new life we have in Christ. The author reminds us that we live in a time when modesty, sobriety, and a godly life tend to be ignored. Christians should not settle and desire only the things this world can offer. We must have a different perspective on the importance of living for God. This book is recommended for every Christian looking for a resource on living a life of devotion to God. William Law provides many thoughts on this subject and gives us several practical ways to live a life of devotion.
The goal of the Library of Christian Classics, edited by Abba, is to recover and provide Hispanic people with the wisdom God gave our ancestors in the Christian faith. It's the first time many of these titles have ever been published in Spanish, while others have been recovered and edited to be better understood in the 21st century.
The Library of Christian Classics includes classic works that Christians should read at least once in their life. They are wells of biblical wisdom that speak to us from centuries past. The Library of Christian Classics has the following features:
1. A large collection of more than 50 volumes.
2. Luxury binding in imitation leather and fabric of great aesthetic beauty.
3. Interdenominational: classical authors from all historical Protestant movements.
4. Forewords by experts on the author's work and life. In each, the biography, historical context, and work of each classic writer is detailed.
5. Interior design in two colors.
6. Extra large 12-point print so that all readers can enjoy the blessings of these classics.
7. Blank sections at the end of each chapter to take notes and enjoy a time of meditation following the reading.