The Diary and Journal of David Brainerd. Library of Christian Classics. Volume 6
A herald to Native Americans, the passionate young David Brainerd is considered by many to be one of the most important and influential missionaries in the history of Christianity. This influence is due to the fact that this personal journal, edited and published by Jonathan Edwards, was one of the catalysts of the modern missionary movement.
David Brainerd has become a fundamental pillar in the history of the Church, not because of his daring, eloquence, effectiveness as a missionary, evangelistic methods, physical health, contextualization to his mission field, longevity of his career, nor even his fruit. In fact, it could be said that he did not excel too much in any of these virtues. He did not introduce any revolutionary practices to the missionary methods of his time. He did not learn the language of the Native Americans. Throughout his life he had to battle with times of very deep depression and with various types of diseases. His missionary career ended suddenly after fewer than four years on the field, and although he came to see fruit, the numbers were not very different from those of his peers or predecessors.
David Brainerd is the clear example of the biblical truth that God chose the foolish, weak, vile and despised of this world to shame the wise and the strong so that no one can boast in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:26-29). God chose someone like David Brainerd who was an orphan, expelled from the prestigious Christian university of Yale, uneducated, and extremely physically and emotionally weak to not only bring the gospel to unreached Native American tribes, but also to act as a catalyst for a missionary movement that would end up changing the world. One of the greatest fruits of his life was the fruit he did not get to see.
Although it is true that dozens of Native American souls today may be celebrating God in perfect joy thanks to Brainerd's life, another incalculable fruit was the impressive legacy he left on earth. Brainerd is considered by many to have been one of the most important missionaries in the history of Christianity because this journal was one of the catalysts for the 19th-century missionary movement. Brainerd is said to have unknowingly been one of the greatest missionary mobilizers in history, as his life inspired hundreds of missionaries to leave everything behind in order to further the kingdom of God.
Hudson Taylor, Andrew Murray, Adoniram Judson, David Livingstone, Jim Elliot, and thousands of other unknown missionaries have been influenced and impacted by "The Diary and Journal of David Brainerd." On a personal level, excluding the Bible, there is no other book that has challenged, propelled, exhorted, and encouraged me as much in missionary work and in my individual pilgrimage as the life and journal of this blessed man.
For the past 300 years, Divine Providence has used the three and a half years of the missionary ministry of a weak and flawed young man to change the lives of thousands of people and send ordinary believers to the ends of the earth. It is my prayer that each entry in this great man of God's diary will impact your spiritual life and that you will get caught up in David Brainerd's devotion to Christ and His glory.
The goal of the Library of Christian Classics, edited by Abba, is to recover and provide Hispanic people with the wisdom God gave our ancestors in the Christian faith. It's the first time many of these titles have ever been published in Spanish, while others have been recovered and edited to be better understood in the 21st century.
The Library of Christian Classics includes classic works that Christians should read at least once in their life. They are wells of biblical wisdom that speak to us from centuries past. The Library of Christian Classics has the following features:
1. A large collection of more than 50 volumes.
2. Luxury binding in imitation leather and fabric of great aesthetic beauty.
3. Interdenominational: classical authors from all historical Protestant movements.
4. Forewords by experts on the author's work and life. In each, the biography, historical context, and work of each classic writer is detailed.
5. Interior design in two colors.
6. Extra large 12-point print so that all readers can enjoy the blessings of these classics.
7. Blank sections at the end of each chapter to take notes and enjoy a time of meditation following the reading.