Victory Over Sin - John Owen - Library of Christian Classics. Volume 2
John Owen was called the prince of the Puritans. Always predominantly expository and scriptural in his writings, Owen does not tend to stray easily from the biblical text. He always expounds theology from Scripture itself. This type of exposition leads to a clear statement of doctrine. It was Owen's great desire to promote holiness in the lives of all believers. In an age like ours when holiness has been neglected, Owen speaks with great power.
John Owen's expository genius has impacted millions of people throughout centuries thanks to his extensive work. In this volume, you will find three of his most relevant books — for many scholars, these are the best exposition on temptation, the mortification of sin, and the power that, unfortunately, it still exerts on believers.
The depth of John Owen's thought combined with his prolific work made him one of the most celebrated Puritans of the 17th century. This volume, translated into current Spanish, collects three of his most emblematic works:
- The Mortification of Sin
- Of Temptation
- Indwelling Sin in Believers.
Readers can now have in their hands three of Owen's works published in Spanish in a single volume. The first of them, which was published in 1656, is called: "Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers: The Necessity, Nature and Means of It." It includes solutions to various cases of conscience in relation to this topic.
The second work, published in 1658, is called: "Of Temptation: The Nature and Power of It; the Danger of Entering Into It; and the Means of Preventing That Danger." The text it's based on is Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
The third book included in this volume was published in 1675 and is titled: "The Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalence of the Remainders of Indwelling Sin in Believers, Together With the Ways of Its Working and Means of Prevention, Opened, Evinced, and Applied." It's based on following text: "Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me" (Romans 7:20-21).
Without a doubt, Owen's perspective on sin is one of the most representative in Reformed theology throughout the centuries.
These three complete works by Owen are a great spiritual treasure for any believer in the 21st century. J. C. Ryle wrote: “Some believers are rivers of living water long after they die. They do good by their books and writings in every part of the world, long after the hands which held the pen are mouldering in the dust. Such men were Bunyan, and Baxter, and Owen, and George Herbert, and Robert M’Cheyne. These blessed servants of God do more good probably by their books at this moment, than they did by their tongues when they were alive. ‘Being dead they yet speak.’ (Heb. 11:4).”
This book is undoubtedly living water that springs from centuries past, whose teachings will help you better understand the power of sin and the victory of Christ on the cross.
The goal of the Library of Christian Classics, edited by Abba, is to recover and provide Hispanic people with the wisdom God gave our ancestors in the Christian faith. It's the first time many of these titles have ever been published in Spanish, while others have been recovered and edited to be better understood in the 21st century.
The Library of Christian Classics includes classic works that Christians should read at least once in their life. They are wells of biblical wisdom that speak to us from centuries past. The Library of Christian Classics has the following features:
1. A large collection of more than 50 volumes.
2. Luxury binding in imitation leather and fabric of great aesthetic beauty.
3. Interdenominational: classical authors from all historical Protestant movements.
4. Forewords by experts on the author's work and life. In each, the biography, historical context, and work of each classic writer is detailed.
5. Interior design in two colors.
6. Extra large 12-point print so that all readers can enjoy the blessings of these classics.
7. Blank sections at the end of each chapter to take notes and enjoy a time of meditation following the reading.